Ending the family death penalty; building a world we deserve
“Do we get to live our life? That has been the fight for Black people for so long. Will we be able to express ourselves the way we want to express ourselves without demonization, without having to succumb to violence. Do we get to live our life?"
We are directly impacted mothers, community organizations, and allied advocates across the country, fighting for family liberation.
We center Black, Indigenous and Latinx communities, directly impacted families and community organizations fighting for family liberation. We are building a multi year, multi state, grassroots effort to preserve the dignity and integrity of our families by dismantling the unjust and racist policies that separate us, such as the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA). These policies have provided unprecedented federal money to states to speed up the permanent dissolution of families through termination of parental rights and adoption.
We envision a world where the integrity of all families is valued and family ancestry is held sacred. In this world, families are supported and given the resources they need to thrive, and the family death penalty, or termination of parental rights, no longer exists. We seek to create a world where there are healing spaces for families who have been forcibly separated, and in which we share a commitment to holding families together through all our complexities and experiences.